
All posts tagged snow

Countless times I have thought myself to be “in the middle of nowhere”, but when I actually found myself in a frozen desert in Mongolia, long away from a path resembling a road and with the only neighbors being the far peaks of the surrounding mountains, then I thought I must really be in the middle of nowhere.
It feels absolutely freeing being in an almost untouched land, very far from everything and yet not scared of getting lost.


Desert of the Gobi, Mongolia


The host and his camels

The host family was a small Mongolian family with 2 very curious kids joined by 2 horses and 3 camels.
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As the train arrived in the early morning, Moscow welcomed me with the first (but definitely not the last) snow of the journey.
The city was as bustling as I thought it would be, but it still had its charm, especially outside the Red Square.


Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Together with the common attractions, all the area near the Museum of Cosmonautics (brilliant museum by the way) was a mix of majesty and beauty: beauty when strolling around the snow-covered gardens and majesty when surprised by VDNKh (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy) which had a pavilion for each of the Soviet “regions” (e.g. Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, etc.).
After a few days of sightseeing and preparation (both mental and physical), I was ready to leave Moscow and hop on the Transiberian train to Ulan-Ude.

Here I am, back to normal.
This has been an amazing trip; I met loads of interesting people, seen amazing places and got closer to the North Pole (one of my goals).
It was a very long trip but it was all worth it.
And finally, here are some of the pictures I have taken in Tromsø.
Aurora Borealise
Aurora Borealise
Aurora Borealise

13.56, Abisko station; 1500km away from Stockholm.
The sun has almost left the sky, only very dark isolated clouds are visible right now.
I left Luleå this morning, a very snowy morning, at 7.50; and passed by Kiruna at noon.
2 hours and I will be in Narvik (Norway), where I will, hopefully, see and photograph the Aurora.
The forecast seems to be on my side: a pretty much clear sky and high magnetic activity for tonight.
As I am typing this quick post, the sky is now dark; what an amazingly short day.
Bye for now.