Låt i H moll

All posts tagged Låt i H moll

Hej guys,
how are you keeping?
Finally I found some time and will to start writing again. I have been quite busy, mostly because of the university (which involves parties of course), but also quite lazy. My laziness increased when I noticed that all the links to my pictures, I published on the blog, were broken…
Today I was ready to upload them all again (this time on flickr), but I gladly found out that they were *magically* back. Nevertheless I wanted to back them up, and so I did.
Well, I shall talk about Sweden.
Right now I live in Sweden and more precisely in Göteborg.
For those who do not know where it is, here is the map:

I am attending an IT bachelor degree at the Goteborgs Universitet.
Lately I have stayed mainly in the city, but last week I went to Ireland to meet a friend I really missed.
I have found an accommodation and maybe soon a job as well.
I am looking forward to start working on the photography group of the university, I have not been practicing a lot lately. But I have many projects I want to attempt.
This post does not contain as many interesting pictures as the others, but I wanted to catch up with what happened so far.
As usual I will end the post with a nice song I have found out lately, no aphorism today 🙁  :

[ Björn Olsson – Låt i H moll]
I found this song in a funny video and it got stuck in my head for its apparent simpleness. The author is ‘Björn Olsson’, he is Swedish and from Goteborg!
Check him out, you wont regret it: http://www.bjornolssonmusic.com/
