Hey guys!
Sorry if I did not write anything these last days, but I have been busy: working, researching and preparing a huge birthday cake for a close friend on the wrong date (that was really a huge surprise, in fact I made a mistake and I made the party in the wrong day ç_ç).
Today at least I found the time to write again something about this project ‘ Life in a Day ‘. I spent some time thinking how I would like to show a day of my life: maybe doing something special, going somewhere incredible, but then I realized that it wouldnt be a real day of my life, so I decided to just film my life from my point of view (kinda first person movie), where I show what I do during a typical day. In fact, even if tomorrow is saturday, I am going to work, and tomorrow I try to create my footage.
And you guys? Are you going to give it a shot? I mean, that’s something that everyone can keep for himself and show it to his/her children in 10 years. Wouldn’t it be cool? And then if you are lucky and/or interesting, you might end up on a movie.
Let me know, I am really curious, I have already seen some ideas, and they were all awesome. And you know why? Because they were simple, and showing what a normal person thinks and does in his ‘normal’ life. I dont like calling a life ‘normal’, because every single life is amazing and fantastic. Something I do here in Canada (where I live right now) might be boring for a person who lives in US, but it might be awesome for a person who lives, for example, in Argentina or Italy.
C’mon guys, take out your camera and film!
Here is the link: